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Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Widening the Horizon

I'm only female and certainly one of those who goes slightly weak in the knees when showered with attention and that bit of love. A normal recurrence when all we want is to feel loved. By the people around us, families and also the opposite gender. As per the song, "Who doesn't want.. Someone to hold.."

In the midst of the on-off dating scene with Mr Conversationalist, whom always pulls the right strings to the heart, seeing that he knows every nook and corners of this fragile heart, I started mingling too. Cos at the back of my mind, I was tired. Tired of waiting for Mr Conversationalist. I wanted someone who could be there for me, unconditionally.

Well, this chap that caught my eyes, has always been there. Somewhere around the corner. Someone that I have known for a bit more than a decade but yet only small talks were the only form of communication that ever rose between us.

As our paths crossed that fateful night, our blinded hearts getting intertwined, blurring our minds for that moment, we glided closer. Closer than before. A leap of faith, littered with uncertainties but yet I went ahead, with both eyes open.

We bonded a lot, shared many fears together and enjoyed each other's company throughout the dating process. He was a bit of a traditionalist at heart, while I was more of the realist. Taking the world at my hand. That difference was not so jarring in the early stage. It was a compromising situation between me and him. He will pull, I will relent. I will pull, he will relent. Let's call it the yin and yang.

Despite the little age gap between us, his interests differs from mine. And it does not help that he knows I was still meeting Mr Conversationalist and still wanting to go out and mingle. He took it in his stand and stood against all odds. He persevered.

HurtFemale? She was lost. Undecided. Was she to put one foot in and compromise her lifestyle or continue what she believes in and still hang by the non-existent thread held by the past? Oh.. What a life..

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